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«Quest -Test» game with 1st year students of the institute of pedagogy and psychology

On November 23, 2023, a «Quest-Test» game was held for 1st-year students, organized by the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of KazNPU named after Abai. The initiators of this game were senior teachers of the Department of Kunslu Tusubekova, Anel Sadykova, Tolkyn Ingaybekova, also active co-organizers were graduate students of the specialty «6B03111 - Training of a practical psychologist» Belgibayev Batyr, Sagyngali Ayym, Nurzhankyzy Saya, Uskenbayev Timur, Sisembina Dalida, Timoshuk Margarita, Mynbai Alisher.

The purpose of this game is to reveal the abilities of students, to familiarize participants with the diagnostic and developmental capabilities of psychological games and the developments of the department. A psychological game developed jointly by advisors and students of the Department of General and Applied Psychology is aimed at revealing abilities from the category of SOFT SKILLS. More than 60 students of all specialties of the Institute took part in this game: «6B013-Training of teachers without subject specialization», 6B018 -«Training of specialists in social pedagogy and self-knowledge», 6B019-«Training of specialists in special pedagogy», 6B031-«Training of a practical psychologist», 6B011 - «Pedagogy and psychology», 6B012-«Pedagogy of preschool education and training».

The organizers and students of the Department of General and Applied Psychology held interesting games dedicated to the development of communication skills, creativity and critical thinking, these abilities are recognized by the world community as key skills of the XXI century. The «QUEST-TEST» game was aimed at the psychological aspects of these skills, as well as at the cohesion and adaptation of first-year students. During the game, they received a lot of vivid impressions, motivation for psychological and pedagogical competencies and a good mood.









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