International scientific and practical conference «Practice in the contemporary society: problems, experience and prospects»
On March 29-30, 2018, devoted to the 90th Anniversary of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and 70th Anniversary of the Doctor of Psychological Science, Professor Akazhanova Alma Taurbekovna was held International Scientific and Practical Conference «Practice in the Contemporary Society: Problems, Experience and Prospects», which organized by the Department of General and Applied Psychology.
Owner of the Anniversary Akazhanova Alma Taurbekovna - Doctor of Psychological Science, Professor of the General and Applied Psychology Department in the Pedagogy and Psychology Institute of the Abai KazNPU, "Excellent worker of Kazakh SSR public education", the holder of the Zh.Aimauytov Prize, a member of the Kazakh Psychology Society, a member of the al-Farabi KazNU Dissoviet, and occupied an honorable place in the Encyclopedia books of the Personality/ XX-XXI century of "Pedagogues-innovators" and "Life in Science".
Scientists and practical psychologists from Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as Kazakhstan researchers and psychologists-practices took part in the conference. The participants of the conference exchanged their experience. At the Plenary meeting with great interest were percepted and heard speeches and reports by the Vice-rector for academic affairs - Assan Satmurzayev, Director of Pedagogy and Psychology Institute - Berikzhan Almukhambetov, Professor Zhamilya Namazbaeva, Professor of the East European Institute of Psychoanalysis, Psychologist-Psychoanalyst, Family Psychotherapist Yelena Zmanovskaya (Russia), Professor Didem Koshar (Hojatepe University, Turkey), Professor Serkan Koshar (Gazi University, Turkey), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Marina Frolovskaya (Altai State University, Russia), President of the Kazakh Society of Psychologists of Kazakhstan, Professor Mukhan Perlenbetov, Professor Zhahan Moldabekov, an employee of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Professor - Abay Duisenbayev (Kazakstan, Aktobe), Head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Professor Akmaral Satova. The main topic of the discussion was the problems and state of psychological science in Kazakhstan and its development. Speakers with special warmth congratulated the owner of the Anniversary and noted her role and importance in the development of Psychological Science in Kazakhstan.
At the sectional sessions, the reports "Psychological science and practice as an area of personality`s professional activity: history and development trend", "Psychological foundations of personality`s moral and spiritual development in the context of national idea "Mangilik Yel", "Innovative technologies and psychological researches in practice", "Problems of professional preparation of psychologists` and actual questions of growing competence of specialists".
On the second and third days of the conference, practice-psychologists Yelena Zmanovskaya, Aliya Baizdrakhmanova, Nursulu Begaliyeva, Dinara Beisinbayeva, Gulmira Mombieva, Ainura Sadreimova, Radmila Guzairova conducted the master-classes and training-exercises, which aimed to the Deviant Behavior Therapy, the Family Relations Psychology and the Mastering of the basic skills of Holotropic Breathing.
According to the view of the participants, the conference meets modern requirements and it aroused a keen interest among the participants. At the end of the conference, the Resolution was discussed and adopted.