Dissertation council | Main / Science / Dissertation council / Information on the existence of a license-based borrowing detection system Information on the availability of a licensed system for the detection of borrowings in Abai KazNPU
Since 2019 (since December) in KazNPU named after Abay an automated information system «Anti-Plagiarism.HEI» is functioning. According to the SOSE of 31 October 2018 № 604 (bachelor, master), in this system all graduate (diploma, master) works are checked for plagiarism. The trainee independently checks his or her own work for «anti-plagiarism» through the Univer system. PhD students in the process of writing a dissertation research, as well as the discussion at the extended meeting of the department can also undergo the procedure of checking through this system. The information system «Anti-Plagiarism.University» works automatically 24/7.