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For the past four years, the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute of Abai KazNPU has been organising and hosting an annual scientific conference for students and young scientists. The event has already established itself as a discussion platform not only in Kazakhstan, but also in countries near and far abroad. In addition, students of the institute participate in competitions and projects organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, round tables and other scientific events with international participation, where they take prizes.


The results of scientific and scientific-methodical activities of teachers are embodied in monographs, textbooks and manuals, methodological developments. As a result of scientific research staff of the institute published 101 articles, including articles in publications with an impact factor - 16, in the publications of foreign countries - 21, neighboring countries - 16, in magazines of the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the RK - 14, in the publications of the RK - 41, in the materials of scientific conferences - 12. In addition, three monographs and 14 textbooks have been published.




The scientific school of the department of "Economic specialties" of SKI is basic for the formation of the Kazakhstani school of economics. At the department operates a scientific seminar under the leadership of senior lecturer A.T. Isayeva, which constantly addresses topical issues of the national economy. All teachers of the department are active in research work, the results of which are covered in the publications included in the indexing system, such as Web of Science, Scopus, recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the MSHE RK, as well as the RSCI and KSCI.


2022 List of scientific articles published in the journals of KOKSON RK, monographs, textbooks







02/29/2024 The team of the specialty "Marketing" was awarded a Diploma of the III degree in the III International Marketing Tournament for students of universities and colleges "USkills-up Marketing Battle"

04/10/2024 Round table on the topic "Can artificial intelligence in marketing become a new concept and business opportunity to improve the efficiency of companies?" for students of the Department of Economics of the Sorbonne Institute-Kazakhstan


On April 18, 2024, at the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Intellectual game "Milionerler alany". Our students have been awarded a Diploma of the II degree

04/24/2024 Our students participated in the XVI Republican Student Subject Olympiad at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

05/6/2024, 3rd year students of the specialty "Management", took 3rd place in the XVI Republican Student subject Olympiad on OP 6B04102 Management at the University of International Business named after Sagadieva (UAB)