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 Tilekova Zhanna Tilekovna
Head of the UNESCO Chair in Educational Science and Teacher Training
Candidate of Geological Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor
13, Dostyk, office 514


The UNESCO Chair in Educational Science and Teacher Training at Abai KazNPU was established on October 5, 1999. It became part of the UNESCO International Pedagogical Network through the "UNITWIN" project of the UNESCO Chair on November 14, 2006.


The UNESCO Chair is a part of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ICESCO. It participates in meetings and forums organized by the National Commission and UNESCO Chairs.


The purpose of the UNESCO Chair in Educational Science and Teacher Training is to strive for high-quality education, ensure access to education for all, attract and retain qualified teachers, and promote innovation and advanced pedagogical practices.


The main tasks of the UNESCO Chair in Educational Science and Teacher Training are as follows: Develops and delivers courses and programs in pedagogy for teachers and educators based on cutting-edge pedagogical research. This helps to improve the qualifications of teachers and the quality of education. Conducts scientific research aimed at exploring various aspects of pedagogy. It actively involves students and teachers in research projects, ensuring the development of scientific culture and encouraging innovation in education. Supports the professional development of university teachers by providing them with opportunities for professional development, participation in trainings and workshops on pedagogy and the realization of sustainable development goals. Collaborates with other institutions and organizations in the field of pedagogy internationally. It develops partnerships, participates in international projects and shares best practices, ensuring the integration of the university into the international educational community. It promotes the dissemination of best pedagogical practices inside and outside the higher educational institution. It actively popularizes new methodologies, teaching experience and innovative approaches to education, contributing to the improvement of education quality and accessibility.


Report of UNESCO Chair in Education science and Teacher Training of Abai KazNPU for 2022-2023


Report on the university commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2022 - 2023

Report on the university commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2021 - 2022


Report of the UNESCO Chair in Pedagogy and Teacher Training for the academic years 2020-2021, 2021-2022


«Кey ways of implementing action program  on the international decade in rapprochement of cultures» I-том

«Кey ways of implementing action program on the international decade in rapprochement of cultures» IІ-том