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An important factor is the development of academic mobility of teachers, attracting the best foreign and domestic teachers to conduct joint research.

Academic mobility of faculty

The academic mobility of faculty of the educational program International Law is realized within the limits of Erasmus + and foreign contracts with universities of Lorraine, Sorbonne, Paris Cité, Poitiers.


Thus, the faculty of the department conducted research in foreign universities Kanayeva A.J. University of Perpignan, France (01.07.2017-15.07.2017) Modern methodology of teaching French language, Erasmus + scholarship. Askarova G.K. University of Poitiers France, (10.10.2017-23.10.2017). (Appendix 20)


Faculty members of the department conducted research and took foreign internships in foreign universities:

1.In 2019 on July 11 at the University of Poitiers an international scientific conference of France was organized. Members of the organizing committee: Licia Bagini, G. K. Askarova. In November 2019 and February 2020, master students of the 2nd year of III organized a 2-week research internship at the University of Poitiers.

2.Оmarbekova S.K. - France. the city of Poitiers Stage "Formation des Enseignant.e.s en Français Langue Etrangère".Campus d`été "Langue et culure françaises pour les universités d`Asis Centrale". Université de Poitiers., 29.06.-13.07.2019.

3.Token M. B. - "Formation des Formateurs en Français langue étrangère", University of Poitiers, France. 30.06.2019. - 13.07.2019 Professional development. Conducting 8 academic classes for A2 - B1 students at the Summer School "French language and culture for Universities of Central Asia", University of Poitiers, France. 30.06.2019. -13.07.2019.

4.Bukhina S. D. - completed an internship in France (Vichy) "EnseignerleFLEaujourd`hui: culture, société, etnouvellestendancespédagogiques", 09.12.202019 - 20.12.2019.

5.Seidomarova S.N. - Formation de formateurs "Créateur créative et littérature" July 7-20, 2019.

In order to improve the OP "International Law" involved teachers graduates Bolashak and past foreign internships, for example Salihov A., Askarova G.K. In 2022 for research internships International scholarship "Bolashak" sent Zhumash G.T.


Academic mobility of students


Trainees of EP "International Law" go on academic mobility in high educational institutions of foreign countries (contracts are signed with the International University of France - De Laurent - Lorraine, the University of Poitiers; Lithuania - University - Mykolas Romiris.


The following students are studying at the University of Lorraine (France) under the educational program "International Law" in 2022-2023 academic year within the framework of academic mobility: Bayzhigitova Malika, Ansar Dzhanibekov, Kurbanali Dastan, Trushel Ilya, Aitmukhambet Alina, Kerimbaeva Ayaulym, Yermekbayeva Anel.