Students of Abai KazNPU visited Foundation of the First President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation
On the eve of the First President Day , On 27 November , 2017, Professor Nesibeli Kalkayeva of the Department of State and Civil Legal Disciplines with students of the specialty "5B030100 - Jurisprudence" of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU took part in a round table on the topic: "The place and role of the presidency in formation Republic of Kazakhstan ", which was organized by Suleyman Demirel University and the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation.
The round table purpose is to show the contribution of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA. Nazarbayev in the formation of an independent state, his leadership qualities, the place and role of the institution of the presidency.
The event was opened by the Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation, Professor Makhmut Tomanov, in his speech he expressed great gratitude to the guests.
In the work of the round table the head of the department of jurisprudence of Suleyman Demirel University Professor Kultai Adilova made a report "The role of the Presidency Institute in the Formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and answered the questions of the participants. The round table was held in the form of open discussion and exchange of views. Content and relevance of the round table reports aroused deep interest among the guests.
Guests and students were awarded certificates and letters of appreciation from the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation.
At the end of the event the students made a tour on the exhibition «N.Nazarbayev: Epoch, Personality, Society» during which students got acquainted with the political and managerial experience of the Head of State.