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Information Event: 90 years DAAD, «Exchange brings changes» - DAAD program in Kazakhstan

Date and time: October 5, 2015 at 11:00
Venue: KazNPU / Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
Address: Dostyk ave., 13, The main educational building
A large conference room (auditorium 225) - info-seminar for students
Small conference room (auditorium 202) - info-seminar for masters , researchers and scientists.
      Founded personal initiative of students of the University of Heidelberg, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has grown into the largest international organizations providing support in the scientific field. To carry out information and advisory activities was established 71 overseas offices and data centers around the world.
       Event is planned to provide information on the main scholarship programs of DAAD, to answer questions about the rules and conditions for participation in the competition. In addition, the planned training for applicants scholarship programs: "How to make a motivation letter and curriculum vitae".