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Research work at the Department of World History for the reporting period was carried out according to the plan approved at the meeting of the department. All teachers of the department have individual plans for research work. The degree of participation in the research and teaching staff of the teaching staff (number and 100%) - all the teachers participated in the research work.

The research work of the faculty is conducted on the general theme «World History: Theory, Methodology and Problems». Within the framework of this topic, members of the department conduct research on current and major problems of world history, which are reflected in scientific publications, participation in international scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences, etc.

Relevance, novelty of research, unrepeatability of scientific topics

Guided by the strategic concept of the development of the institute, the Department of World History pays special attention to the relevance and novelty of research topics in the bachelor`s program, as well as the feasibility of their further development in the format of the magistracy. In order to systematize and optimize scientific work at the Institute of History and Law, the Department of World History continues to work in the following scientific areas:
- Russian pre-revolutionary and foreign historiography of Kazakhstan (professors Suteeva K.A., Nesipbaeva K.R.). This is one of the current trends in the development of historical science. In the framework of this direction, a study is conducted of the Russian pre-revolutionary and foreign historiography of Kazakhstan. This is the story of people who studied the history of the Kazakhs and who gave their concepts, theories of the history of Kazakhstan. In the process of studying the activities of these historians, both the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian pre-revolutionary and foreign historiography of Kazakhstan are identified with particular sharpness and bulge.
- Historical demography (or demographic history), the subject of study of which is the objective process of the historical evolution of population reproduction. Only in recent decades, when we witnessed a "population explosion" in developing countries and a sharp decline in the reproduction rates of the population in the economically developed, the historical demography has attracted wide attention. The Doctor of History, Professor M.K. Tulekova, deals with this problem.
- International relations in the new and modern times (professors Kairbekova R.R., Timchenko S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Suteeva K.A.). One of the modern directions of development of historical science. In this area, studies of the history of international relations in Europe and Central Asia in the XVII-XXI centuries are conducted.

Thus, the main focus in improving RW is on the choice of new topics that can expand their own scientific context and teach students to think globally and professionally to conduct scientific work.

Innovation of scientific projects
Innovative research conducted by members of the department for the 2018 academic year allowed us to obtain new data and theoretical generalizations on topical issues of world history. Thus, the development of the problems of world history has revealed general patterns of regional processes in Central Asia and adjacent regions - Russia, China. The system analysis of the problem under consideration has identified a number of methodological problems: the interaction of the natural environment and society, socio-economic development and socio-cultural, ethnological processes. Comprehensive ethnopolitical studies of the Kazakh people made it possible to identify its genetic community, the dynamics of development.

The activity of the Department of World History is generally focused on the dominance of interactive methods in the learning process: round tables, cases, role-playing, press conferences, and work with the electronic library aimed at turning the teacher of the usual format into a moderator of the educational process.


Information on scientific events and conferences held in 2017-2018


Status and name of the event

Place, dates of the event


International Scientific and Practical Conference on «Международные отношения в Центральной Азии: история и современность». Problems of Central Asia were discussed at the Institute of History and Law

KazNPU named Abai, Institute of History and Law, Department of World History,  Almaty, 24 November 2017


International Scientific Conference «Толерантность - как инструмент развития мер взаимного доверия»

National University of Uzbekistan named Mirzo Ulugbek and Scientific Center «Interethnic harmony and tolerance»,  Tashkent


Republican scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independent Kazakhstan «Тәуелсіз Қазақстан: Қазіргі кезеңдегі тарих және қоғамдық пәндерді оқытудың өзекті мәселелері»

KazNPU named Abai, Almaty, April 2017


International Scientific and Practical Conference «Орталық Азиядағы халықаралық қатынастар: тарихы және қазіргі кезеңдегі дамуы» 

KazNPU named Abai, Almaty, October 2017


Republican scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory and the 70th anniversary of the famous scientist, doctor of historical sciences, professor Kambar Makhambetovich Atabaev. «Источниковедение и архивоведение: новые парадигмы исследований»

KazNU named Al-Farabi, Almaty, 06 October 2017


 International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Alash movement and the Alash Orda government «Алаш - идея национального единства казахов»

National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Great Majilis Hall, Astana, 24 November 2017


International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU «Алаш зиялыларының ғылыми - әдістемелік мұралары: дәстүр мен жаңашылдық»

KazNPU named Abai, Almaty,  28 April 2018


IX International Conference of Young Scientists «Казахстан в международном образовательном пространстве»

KazNPU named Abai, Almaty,

8 April 2018


Republican Scientific and Practical Conference «Актуальные вопросы развития  методики преподавания истории и гуманитарных  дисциплин на современном этапе развития казахстанского образования» in the framework of the Decade of Science-2018 KazNPU named Abai

KazNPU named Abai, Institute of History and Law, Department of methods of teaching history and social sciences, Almaty,  10 April 2018


V International Farabian Readings. International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists «Фараби әлемі»

KazNU named Al-Farabi, Almaty, 7 April 2018


«Актуальные проблемы Всемирной истории: новые подходы в изучении истории России» Training workshop

 Moscow, April May 2018


International Scientific and Practical Conference: «Центральная Азия на Великом Шёлковом пути: диалог культур и конфессий от древности до современности»

Kazakhstan hotel, conference hall «Altyn Emel» Almaty, 12-15 June 2018


International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the academician National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who headed the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University from 1987 to 2008, a well-known scientist, statesman and public figure, academician Tokmuhamed Salmenuly Sadikov «Садыковские чтения-V: актуальные проблемы науки и образования на современном этапе»

KazNPU named Abai, Almaty,  26 September 2018


Scientific lecture: «Роль журналистики в политике государства: на примере газеты «Ульфат»

KazNPU named Abai, Almaty,  03-13 October 2018


International Scientific and Practical Conference «ҰЛЫ ДАЛА БАТЫРЛАРЫ»

Military History Museum of the National Military-Patriotic Center of the Internal Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana 19 October, 2018


Copyright certificates and patents

Media Relations

Science projects


List of monographs, teaching aids

List of scientific articles published in journals CCES RK

List of scientific articles published in the far and near abroad

List of scientific articles published in other journals of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Scientific and methodical publications of teaching staff of the department for the 2018 academic year


Annual report on research work for 2018

Annual report on research work for 2017

Annual report on research work for 2016