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 Tolegenuly Nurzhan
Head of the department
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
«Spartak» Stadium


The history of the formation of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports is inextricably linked with the history of the Department of Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education. As an independent department, the department was formed in the 2009-2010 academic year according to the order of the rector of Abai KazNPU, academician S.Zh. Praliev on the basis of the department "Theory and methodology of training teachers of physical culture and sports".


The department is a graduate and trains pedagogical specialists, in accordance with the state standard, in the specialty "5B010800-Physical culture and sports". Graduates receive the qualification of "Teacher of physical culture" and "Bachelor of Physical Culture".


In August 2018, the Department of Theory and Methodology of Training Teachers of Physical Culture and Sports was merged with the Department of Health-improving Physical Culture and renamed, receiving its present name.  The total number of teaching staff at the department is 54. Of these, there are 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 5 associate professors, 23 senior teachers, 14 teachers and -1 masters of sports of the USSR in volleyball.


The structural divisions of the department are 4 scientific and educational complexes:

- educational and methodical (heads of Ph.D. Abreimova Kulmeskhan Auelkhanovna, senior lecturer Iralina Mira Mustakimovna) ;

- scientific (supervisor - Master`s degree, teacher Yerdanova Gulzineb Serikbayevna);

- educational (head - senior lecturer Kadyrbekov Ruslan Bakhytzhanovich);

- pedagogical practice (head - master, teacher Sapar Yerbolat Tazabekovich).