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Research activities of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology are organized according to the university`s action plan and are implemented in the following areas:

- implementation of research projects financed by MSHE RK, intra-university projects;

- writing monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, articles;

- making presentations at scientific and practical conferences;

- preparation of scientific publications in leading scientific journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases; in journals recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of MSHE RK;

- conducting various theoretical, experimental studies and scientific events;

- organization of scientific research of students, masters and doctoral students within the framework of the scientific circle "Young Scientist" functioning at the department;

- defense of master`s and doctoral dissertations, training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel;

- establishing creative contacts with leading scientists, universities and scientific institutions of the country, near and far abroad.


Currently, the department employs holders of the international Bolashak grant, who studied at the best universities in the UK, completed scientific internships in countries such as America, Germany, as well as holders of State Prizes of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education, professors with experience scientific and pedagogical activities abroad: holders of the grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Best University Teacher"; intra-university competition "Best University Teacher" of KazNPU named after Abai. Among the teaching staff of the department there are academician of MANPO -1; Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan-1; Member of the Council on Comparative Pedagogy RK-1.


An indicator of the high rating of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology is the participation of its leading professors in the work of scientific councils. A landmark event in 2023 was the opening of the research laboratory for Measuring and Evaluating the Educational Environment of Students. (building No. 1, room 510), which is developing tools for measuring the educational environment in full-time, distance learning, remote, hybrid (offline + online) learning formats.


Patent list for the period 2020-2024
Professional development 2023
List of articles from the far near


Annual report on research work for 2023