қазақша · русский · english
 Simtikov Zhomart Kudaibergenovich
Head of the Chair
Candidate of historical sciences, doctor of political science
Zhambyl st, 25


The history of the formation and development of the department of political science and socio-philosophical disciplines of the Institute of History and Law

The Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai was founded in September 2009. From the moment of foundation of the department until September 1, 2018, the head of the department was Doctor of Philosophical Disciplines, Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Absattarov Raushanbek Burambaevich.


Currently, the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines is headed by Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Simtikov Zhomart Kudaibergenovich.


The teaching staff of the department is represented by highly qualified specialists, famous scientists both in Kazakhstan and abroad. Currently, the department employs 36 people. Of these, 5 are doctors of science, 4 are professors, assoc. professors – 2, 10 candidates of science, PhD doctors – 6 and 16 masters of education, among them 2 holders of the “Best University Teacher” grant.

The teaching staff of the department constantly publishes their scientific works, which have both scientific-theoretical significance and applied value. The results of scientific activity find a practical way out in the educational process.


Edited by Professor R.B.Absattarov continues the issue of the scientific journal Bulletin KazNPU named after Abai, the series «Sociological and Political Sciences», which, on the basis of the order of Committee for the Control of Science and Education, was included in the list of publications for publication of the main scientific results of dissertations on political and sociological work, as Kazakhstan authors , and foreign scientists. In addition, young scientists of the department take an active part in the work of international and scientific-practical conferences, including scientific seminars and round tables of the university.


Doctoral students and undergraduates have the opportunity to participate in international academic exchange programs of leading universities in Europe, America, and Central Asia.


The department has achieved great success in the development of academic mobility. Within the framework of international cooperation, the Department carries out joint activities for the training of undergraduates and doctoral students with the University of Leicester (Great Britain), the Yunus Emre Institute (Turkey), with the Chonnam National University (South Korea), with a member of the scientific forum of the Academy of Leading Personnel of the Bundeswehr Rau I.A. (Germany), with the University of Peche (Hungary).


Also, within the framework of scientific cooperation, the Department carries out joint activities with CIS universities: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Philosophy and Political and Legal Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, named after I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, Kyrgyz University of Economics, etc.


The Department develops and implements programs focused on the needs of employers and creates mechanisms to continuously monitor changes in labor market conditions and consumer requirements for the quality of education.


The work of the department is aimed at the theoretical and practical training of specialists in accordance with the State General Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education and the requirements of the credit technology of education.