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Departement of Politology and socio-philosophical disciplines


Within the framework of international cooperation, the Department of Political Science and Social and Philosophical Disciplines actively cooperates with a number of leading universities from near and far abroad.


In particular, mutually beneficial contacts with universities have been established:



Far Abroad:

- Istanbul University (Turkey);

- INALCO University (France);

- Uludag University (Turkey);

- University of Gdansk (Poland);

- Tallinn University (Estonia);

- Ariel University (Turkey);

- Washington State University (USA);

- Gazi University (Turkey);

- Akdeniz University (Turkey);

- Chonnam National University (South Korea);

- University of Leicester (UK);

- by the Academy of Leading Personnel of the Bundeswehr (Germany);

- University of Pecs (Hungary);

- French State University of Lyon-2 (France).


Near Abroad:

- Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan;

- International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan;

- by the Kyiv National University named after T.Shevchenko;

- Novosibirsk State University;

- Institute of Philosophy and Political and Legal Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov. I. Razzakov;

- Kyrgyz Economic University.



- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;

- Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies, KN MES RK;

- Kazakhstan Center for Humanitarian and Political Conjuncture;

- by Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages;

- Kazakh National Agrarian University;

- by Turan University;

- Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University.


Main directions of international cooperation:

- opening of a two-diploma program for master`s students;

- joint fundamental and applied scientific research;

- creation of joint creative teams;

- joint development of programs and organization of international conferences, round tables and seminars;

- organizing and conducting mutual internships for employees;

- preparation and publication of scientific papers;

- professional consultations, scientific and methodological seminars;

- Joint preparation of training and practical tools;

- development and implementation of jointly developed programs and scientific projects.


Partnership relations with foreign universities result in participation in international conferences, forums, where the ideas of our scientists are tested and disseminated and joint international projects are born.


In order to establish cooperation and on the initiative of the International Center for Imam Maturidi Studies at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the department is considering the possibility of organizing a program to exchange students studying in Abay KazNPU at the Department of Political Science and Socio-Political Disciplines at the specialty "6B02203-religious studies and politics", to allow our teachers-researchers to participate in the competition for the award of the international scholarship named after Imam Maturidi, to provide the opportunity to undergo scientific internships, to provide the opportunity to study at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.


Leading foreign scientists give lectures to master`s students, doctoral students and teachers of the department, act as scientific advisors. The department regularly hosts meetings and lectures of representatives of the international educational project "One Asia Foundation", in particular, with the vice-chairman of the international educational project "One Asia Foundation" Yozo Sato, Dr. PhD political science Chang Joon Kon, Director General of the Foundation in Central Asia Chang Ben-Sun and Director of the Foundation "One Asia" of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Myong Soon Ok.


Under the academic mobility program, master`s students study in Turkey, Lithuania, Poland. Thus, master`s and doctoral students undergo a one-month scientific internship in universities of near and far abroad. Since September 2020-2021 academic year there is a joint study program and Agreement on the double degree program between our University and Sofia University named after St. Kliment Ohridski. St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. The name of the Master`s program is Europe and Asia: Cultural Diplomacy and Geopolitics of the EU, specialty - "Political Science". Recruitment of Master`s students in this two-diploma program is provided by the University Admissions Office.


In October 2023, a meeting was held with the attaché of the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Aghazada. At the meeting negotiations were held on the realization of joint scientific projects, events and discussed issues of science development, as well as plans for the coming period.

Hossein Aghazadeh expressed his gratitude to the scientists of the university and stated that he was glad to cooperate with Abay KazNPU. He noted that it is necessary to pay attention to the creation of scientific platforms for the effectiveness of the goals and initiatives. The foreign guest also shared new priority methods in the field of education, science, culture. During the meeting the issues of improving international academic cooperation in the directions of academic mobility of students in the fields of "culturology", "religious studies", internship of young scientists, organization of international forums, conferences and webinars with the participation of famous scientists of the two sides were considered.


The teaching staff of the department closely cooperates with various foreign universities and international scientific centers in the field of education and science. Thus, from November 26 to December 6, 2023, the head of the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law, Doctor of Political Sciences J.K.Simtikov underwent a scientific internship at the International University of Cyprus.


At the meeting, the terms of an intercollegiate Memorandum of Relationship for the future were presented.

J.K.Simtikov also took part in the round table devoted to the methodology of lectures and practical classes of the International University of Cyprus, paying attention to some peculiarities. During the internship, he met with faculty members of foreign universities and gave a lecture on "Topical issues of political science in the Republic of Kazakhstan". In addition, at the Faculty of International Relations Kazakh scientist held a seminar-training "Geopolitical situation in Central Asia". 



Also the senior lecturer of the department, Dr. PhD Assem Sabitkyzy continues the realization of the project IRN AP14972713 "The principle of tolerance in social development: tasks and practice of embodiment" in the framework of grant financing of young scientists "Zhas galym" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RK for 2022-2024. Within the framework of cooperation of science and education between Kazakhstan and Turkey and for scientific and educational internship from November 27 to December 3, 2023, she visited and familiarized with the work of the Eurasian research and applied center named after Al-Farabi of Istanbul University. Issues of further mutually beneficial partnership were discussed.


Academic mobility of students