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According to the results of examination sessions for the course, taking into account the results of the summer term, the average grade of the student (GPA) is determined, calculated as the ratio of the sum of the produced credits and the final grade in the discipline (in numerical terms) to the sum of credits for the current academic period.


GPA is recorded on the learner`s transcript. GPA is calculated according to the formula:GPA = Its1 * K1 + K1 + Its2 * ........ * Itsn Kn

                            K1 + K2 + ............... Kn.


Its1 ....... the resulting estimates of the disciplines in the digital equivalent;

K1 .................... volumes of subjects studied in the credits;

n - the number of subjects studied during the entire training period passed.


Example of calculating the GPA:





Score from letter system

Digital equivalent scores














Computer Science - 4.0 x 3 = 12.0

Sociology - 3.0 x 2 = 6.0

Philosophy - 0.0 x 3 = 0.0

Sum of Works = 12 + 6 + 0 = 18.0

Total credits - 3+2+3 = 8

GPA = Sum of Works / Total Credits = 18.0 / 8 = 2.25


In order to transfer to the next course, it is not enough to pass all exams with positive grades, you must achieve the minimum transfer GPA set by the university for the current academic year.


On the 2023/2024 academic year was approved following a transfer score GPA:

Bachelor course

With the first course on the second - 1,80;

A second course in the third - 2.00;

A third course on the 4th - 2.10;

from the fourth course to the fifth -2.20;

Master course

With the first course on the second - 2,30;

PhD Doctoral studies

With the first course on the second - 2,33;

A second course in the third - 2.67.


A student who fails to achieve the minimum transfer grade will be retained for a second year of study.

Use this electronic calculator to calculate the GPA for the current exam session if necessary.


Note: The fractional part of the numerical equivalent is separated from the whole by a dot.



Discipline The number of credits The digital equivalent
