қазақша · русский · english
 Asymova Dariya Bolatovna
Scientific Secretary of EMA-PMG
PhD, Associate Professor of KazNPU named after Abay
13, Dostyk avenue


Educational-methodical association-group of project management in the field of education «Pedagogical Sciences» REMC of MES RK on the basis of Abai KazNPU

Educational and methodological association-Project Management Group (hereinafter EMA-PMG) on the basis of Abai KazNPU is a consultative and advisory working body created by the Ministry of Education and Science on the basis of several universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (on the basis of the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the the methodological council of higher and postgraduate education and educational and methodological associations in the areas of personnel training and approval of the regulations on their activities «No. 562 of October 12, 2018. Changes were made by order No. 58 of February 11, 2020).


The management of the EMA-PMG is carried out by the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The chairman of the EMA-PMG is the Chairman of the Board-Rector of Abai KazNPU, his deputy is the vice-rector for academic work. The office work is carried out by the scientific secretary of the EMA-PMG.


EMA-PMG includes representatives of Kazakhstani and foreign universities that train pedagogical personnel, employers, NCE Atameken, representatives of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, SATR, National Scientific and Practical Center for the Development of Special and Inclusive Education, State bodies and NGOs.


EMA-PMG in the field of education «Pedagogical Sciences» REMC of MSHE RK on the basis of Abai KazNPU provides educational and methodological support to universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the following areas of training:

Direction of training

Name of groups of educational programs

011 Pedagogy and Psychology

Pedagogy and psychology

Pedagogical dimension

014 Training of teachers (educators) with the subject specialization of general development

Music teacher/educator training

Training of teachers of art work and drawing/Training of teachers of art work, graphics and design

Teacher training basics of law and economics/Foundations of law and economics

015 Training of teachers (educators) in natural science subjects

Training of teachers/educators of mathematics

Training of teachers/educators of physics

Training of teachers/educators of informatics

Training of teachers / educators of chemistry

Biology teacher/educator training

Training of teachers/educators of geography

016 Training of teachers (educators) in humanitarian subjects

Humanitarian Teacher Training/Training of teachers of history

019 Special pedagogy

Special pedagogy


Functions of EMA-PMG:

- participation in the formation of a strategy for the development of Kazakhstani higher and postgraduate education, aimed at increasing its competitiveness in the global educational space;

- implementation of interaction of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan with employers, state. authorities, NCE Atameken, leading foreign universities, the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility, NTC, the Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Ushebnik» in order to improve the quality of higher and postgraduate education;

- organization of the development of educational programs in accordance with European, national and sectoral qualifications frameworks, professional standards and the needs of domestic and foreign labor markets;

- monitoring the provision of educational and methodological literature, electronic databases and other necessary resources for training personnel in the field of education «Pedagogical Sciences»;

- organization of peer review of educational and methodological literature in supervised areas of training with higher, postgraduate and additional education;

- determination of the format of admission to universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, core disciplines UNT, CT.