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Typical programs


Educational-methodical association for the group of specialties "Education" of the Republican educational-methodical council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (EMA REMC)


Typical programs were approved by the protocol decision No. 2 of the meeting of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30 June, 2016 and were put into effect by the letter of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 14-4 / 1134 of 7 July, 2016. Typical programs are developed by the faculty of Abai KazNPU in accordance with model curricula in the specialties approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №425 of 5 July, 2016.


According to letter No. 14-4 / 1604 of 30.11.2017. Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Typical programs (TP) for the disciplines of the mandatory component are distributed through posting on the site for general use.


Bachelor`s program


TP 5В010200 - Pedagogy and methods of elementary education

TP 5В010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology

TP 5В010500 - Defectology

TP 5В010700 - Fine arts and drawing

TP 5В010900 - Mathematics

TP 5В011000 - Physics

TP 5B011100 - Informatics

TP 5В011200 - Chemistry

TP 5В011300 - Biology

TP 5В011500 - Fundamentals of Law and Economics

TP 5В011600 - Geography

TP for the group of specialties "Education"

TP 5В011400-History

TP 5В011800 - Russian language and literature

TP 5В012200-Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction

TP 5В011700 - Kazakh language and literature

TP 5В012100 - Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction


Master`s Courses


Doctoral studies


Scientific Secretary of EMA REMC - Nurgalieva Ulmeken Satymovna

Contact information: 291 90 13, e-mail: