қазақша · русский · english
Legal Department
Bayaliev Amirkhan Nurmakhanuly
Head of the Public Procurement Department

30/1, Kazybek bi, Office №4


Tasks and functions of the Public Procurement Department


1.The main tasks of the department - ensuring the implementation of the state policy in the field of public procurement and organizing the activities of the competition commission - are based on the principles of public procurement for efficient and optimal spending of money; providing equal opportunities to potential suppliers and fair competition among them; transparency and transparency of the public procurement process.

2.Continuous improvement of the professional level and qualifications of the department`s employees.

3.Responsible organization and conduct of public procurement procedures through an electronic web portal, formation and activity of competition commissions, determination of methods of public procurement and terms of conclusion of contracts on them.

4.Development of documentation on public procurement of goods (works, services) on a competitive basis, in accordance with the technical specifications and characteristics submitted by the structural divisions of the University for the upcoming public procurement procedures;

5.Control over the execution of public procurement contracts.