қазақша · русский · english
 Tanzharykova Alua Vasilievna
Dean of Faculty
Doctor of Philological Sciences
Dostyk ave., 13
 +7(776) -888- 88 -07

 Nuptekeyeva Gulnaz Baigonakovna
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Masterof Linguistics Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Dostyk ave., 13

 Naimanbayev Almas Abdymanapovich
Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs
PhD doctor, Senior Lecturer
Dostyk ave., 13
 +7(727)291-40-85, 8-707-822-94-02

 Abdykalykov Arman Ukievich
Deputy director for educational work
Master of Humanities, Senior Lecturer
Dostyk ave., 13

 Saurikova Ainur Muratbekovna
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs in the specialties of foreign languages
Master, Senior Lecturer
Dostyk ave., 13



We prepare teachers who anticipate the needs of modern education based on advanced methods, national heritage and global approaches.


We raise the prestige of  teaching profession and act as a driver for the development of human capital.


Vision - 2025

By 2025, the Institute of Philology will become the Higher School of Philology - the leading center for training personnel of a new formation:

- carrying out scientific-educational process at the level of international standards, ensuring the competitiveness of graduates in native and world labor market;

- ensuring the integration of education and science on the basis of innovations;

- guaranteeing the creation of conditions for the development of human capital.


About the Institute

In 1928, the university had only one faculty, consisting of Physics-Mathematics and Linguistics-Pedagogy Department. In the 30s of the twentieth century the Faculty of Philology was opened on the basis of the Department of Linguistics, where 49 students were accepted. Such outstanding scientists-figures as A. Baitursynov, K. Zhubanov, S. Seifullin, S. Amanzholov, M. Auezov and others stood at the origins. At present, the Institute of Philology is a synthesis of classical and modern education, harmoniously combining Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Philology, Literary studies and Linguistics. There are scientific circles at the institute in order to develop the scientific and creative abilities of students.


Structure of the Institute

The Institute includes 5 departments:

- Department of Kazakh language and literature named after academician S. Kirabaev;

- Department of Russian Language and Literature;

- Department of Foreign Languages;

- Department of Oriental Philology and Translation;

- Department of Practical English language.


To organize the educational process in the educational building of the institute, there are:

- classrooms equipped with ICT tools - 45;

- language laboratories -3;

- computer classes - 3;

- reading room for 45 seats

- scientific centers -5 .


Personnel training is carried out at three levels of education (bachelor`s, master`s and doctoral studies) in the following educational programs:




6В01701 - Kazakh language and literature

7М011701 - Kazakh language and literature

8D011701 - Kazakh language and literature

6В01702-Russian language and literature

7М01702- Russian language and literature

8D01702 - Russian language and literature

6В01703 - Foreign language: two foreign languages

7M01703 - Foreign language: two foreign languages

8D01703 - Foreign language: two foreign languages

6В01704 - Kazakh language and literature in non-Russian language teaching schools


7М01704 - Kazakh language and literature in non-Russian language teaching schools

8D01704 - Kazakh language and literature in non-Russian language teaching schools

6В01705 - Russian language and literature in non-Russian language  teaching schools

7М01705 - Russian language and literature in non-Russian language  teaching schools

8D01705 -Russian language and literature in non-Russian language  teaching schools

6В01707- Uyghur language and literature-English language



6В01709-Teacher of oriental language with the knowledge of English language



6В01712-Uyghur language and literature - Primary Education



6В01714- Uyghur language and literature -Kazakh language and literature



6В02207 - Turkology

7М02207 -  Turkology


6В02210-Oriental studies



6В02301 - Philology

7М02301 - Philology

8D02301 - Philology

6В02302 - Translation studies

7М02302- Translation studies


6В02311- Foreign Philology: Uyghur language and literature-Russian language and literature



6В02312 - Western Philology: English language

7M02312- Western Philology: English language


6В02313- Foreign philology




7M02304 - Linguistics

8D02304 - Linguistics


7М02308 - Literary studies

8D02305 - Literary studies


The Institute of Philology is a real workshop that teaches language and literature, the art of the word and culture. The knowledge and experience gained here provide an opportunity for self-realization and personal growth, create prospects for disclosing creative potential.


Welcome to the world of bright, memorable, multifaceted student life at the Institute of Philology!