қазақша · русский · english
 Baigutov Karim Alimkhanuly
Dean of the Faculty of Arts
PhD doctor
Ualikhanov str., 64A, office 16a

 Nurke Maira Suzdukovna
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Science and International Relations
Doctor of Philosophy PhD
Ualikhanov str., 64A, office 14
 +7 775-227-62-18

 Kozhagulov Aidyn Toktasunovish
Deputy Dean for Educational Work
Ualikhanov str., 64 A, office 14
 +7 747-997-27-47



Our mission is the training of qualified, educated, mobile specialists who can successfully work in any country in the world.


Vision - 2025:

Formation of a competitive personality, able to demonstrate his creative potential, adapted to various conditions of society, the consumer market.


Brief on the Institute

The Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of the Abai KazNPU is the successor in the artistic and graphic plan. This is the first specialized educational institution in the field of professional education of the arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The history of the institute has been founded since 1969 and dates back more than fifty years. Currently, the institute is preparing creative specialties at a high level both in the professional and scientific direction.


Each specialty of the institute is located comprehensively, depending on the specifics. The Directorate of the Institute works in the educational building No. 2 of the university at the address: st. Shokana Valikhanova, 64a.


The Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports includes 5 departments:

Department of Art Education (Dostyk-13 St.);

- Department of Design (Dostyk-13 St.);

- Department of Music Education and Choreography (56a Abay St.);

- Department of Initial Military Training (M. Auezov Stadium);

- Department of Physical Culture and Sports (M. Auezov stadium).


To organise a quality training system, the Institute has:

- 35 teaching and workshops of cabinets;

- 4 computer classes;

- 4 vocal classrooms;

- 4 instrumental classrooms;

- 2 dance halls;

- 2 sports halls;

- 1 orchestra;

- 1 parade ground.


The Institute prepares personnel in the following areas:

- Training of teachers of pedagogical direction in creative disciplines;

- Training of specialists in the field of Art.


The educational programs of the Institute provide training in three levels of education (bachelor`s, master`s and doctoral studies).






Pedagogical specialties

6B01401-Initial military training

7M01403-Art education

8D01403-Art education

6B01408-Initial military training - physical culture and sports

7M01404-Teacher of physical culture and sports

8D01401-Initial Military training

6B01404-Physical culture and sports

7M01401-Initial military training

8D01402-Music Education

6B01402-Music education

7M01402-Music education

8D01402-Music (double degree: together with Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey)

6B01403-Art education

7M01402-Music (double degree)

8D01404-Physical education and sports

6B01405- Vocational training (Decorative Arts)



6B01407- Vocational training (Textile and Fashion design)



Art humanities specialties




6B02113- Fine Art (Painting)

7M02113-Fine Art


6B02114- Fine art (Graphics)

7M02118-Design. Fashion Design


6B02118-Design. Fashion Design

7M02119-Design. Architectural design


6B02119-Design. Architectural design

7M02120-Design. Graphic design


6B02120-Design. Graphic design



6B02124 -Polygraphy




The advantages of studying at our institute:

- Continuing education in bachelor`s, master`s and doctoral studies at the levels of education;
- State educational grants are provided for educational programs of pedagogical/artistic direction;
- Scholarships are provided to students of the educational program at the highest level;
- The best students have been awarded a Presidential scholarship;
- Students can take a foreign internship in educational programs in Turkey, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, France, depending on the specialty;
- Students organize an exhibition of their creative works in the republican galleries and the gallery of the institute «Zhasampaz» and can put it up for sale;
- Students can participate in international and national Olympiads in their specialty;
- Prepares high-class athletes to participate in the World and Asian Championships in sports;
- Special master classes will be organized for students with scientists from foreign and Kazakh universities, renowned artists, designers, professional singers, dancers, masters of sports;
- The students of our Institute are members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Union of Designers, the Union of Artisans, Honored Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, «Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan», «Laureates of the Youth Prize and the Daryn Prize», famous masters of sports of international class and the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Active students become members of the student government of the Institute and organize interesting student evenings by participating in student clubs, clubs and art centers.