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Otarova Nazgul Ilyasovna
Otarova Nazgul Ilyasovna
She was born on May 4, 1988 in the village of Baizak, Bayzak district, Zhambyl region. In 1994-2005, she studied at the secondary school named after S. Ablanov in the village of Baizak. In 2005, she entered KazNPU named after Abai in Almaty, specialty 050113-Biology, received an academic bachelor`s degree in biology and geography. In 2009, she entered this university for the specialty 6M011300-Biology, in 2011 she received an academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences. From 2011 to the present, I have been working as a senior lecturer at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Abai KazNPU.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT 1. Physiology of the development of schoolchildren 2. Biology of cells and tissues 3. Human anatomy 4. Human and animal physiology
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications Physiology, psychophysiology, Healthy lifestyle, 20 publications 1. Профилактика стрессовых состояний среди студентов. Tatarinova G.S. International Scientific and practical Conference " Новая наука: опыт, традиции, инновации ", Sterlitamak, Russia, 2016. 2. Казахский Национальный педагогический университет имени Абая - флагман педагогического образования. Tatarinova G.S. Material of the international scientific and practical conference «Жаратылыстану-ғылыми білім беруде жаңартылған білім беру мазмұнының мақсатын жүзеге асырудың теориясы мен практикасы» 14-15 november 2019. 3. Татаринова Г.Ш., Отарова Н.И. «Рациональная организация учебно-воспитательного процесса, как основа здоровьесберегающей педагогики» Materials the VI International Science Conference "Theoretical foundations of modern science and practice" March 19-20, 2021, Rome, Italy 4. Татаринова Г.Ш., Отарова Н.И. «Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая - кузница педагогических кадров» X International Science Conference "Implementation of scientific foundations in practice" April 19-20, 2021, Turin, Italy 5. Татаринова Г.Ш., Карасаева Ж.Б., Кунакбаев А.С., Отарова Н.И. «Эффективность тестирования знаний в условиях дистанционного обучения» Materials the XXVI International Science Conference "Topical issues of practice and science" May 18-21, 2021, London, Great Britain
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