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Seminar for students undergoing pedagogical practice


On February 5, 2022, the Academic S. Kirabayev department of Kazakh language and literature of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education organized a methodological seminar for 3rd and 4th year students who are passing pedagogical internship. The theme of the seminar - «Content and Structure of Modern School Textbooks» - will be useful for providing methodological support and preparing students for the National Qualification Test.


The Head of Educational-Methodical Association of the Institute A.N. Yusup, teachers of the Department S.K. Syzdykov, Sh.D. Kuttybayev, Zh. S. Ashirov took part in the organization of the seminar. At the methodological seminar, well-known methodologists, authors of state educational standards and school textbooks, professors of the department N.A. Ilyasova, G.S. Kosymova, J.K. Baltabayeva, R.S. Rakhmetova, A.K. Rauandina informed students about school textbooks prepared under the updated educational program.









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