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On a visit to Pushkin

The Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, specialized Lyceum №165 in Almaty, with the participation of the representative office of Ruscollaboration in Almaty, held a literary event "I`m in a hurry to visit Pushkin", dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

Maria Simakova, head of Russian House in Almaty, welcoming the participants of the meeting, said that Pushkin`s genius is surprisingly multifaceted, his name is dear and close to everyone. Maria Simakova also spoke about the events that will take place in the jubilee year.

Tenth-graders of the lyceum, under the guidance of the teacher of Russian language and literature Marina Asylbekova and the class teacher Olga Streltsova, prepared a literary composition about the poet`s work, read his poems. But the participants of the meeting learned even more about the personality of A.S. Pushkin, that for the poet civil service was service to the Fatherland, the country, the people from the story of Eduard Uzenev, the scientific secretary of State Memorial Historical, Literary and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye" (Pushkin Reserve).

Elmira Afanasyeva, Doctor of Philology, Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Philological Research at Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language, told about the first publications of A.S. Pushkin, his entry into literature, and the first magazine.

From the story of Irina Yukhnova, PhD, professor of the Department of Russian Literature at Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, the audience learned about A. Pushkin`s lyceum friends, that the friendship that arose within the walls of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum supported the poet all his life.

Irina Pereverzeva, head of Russian House in Valletta, told about what is known about Pushkin in Malta, about translations of his works and that the most favorite fairy tale for Maltese is "The Tale about Tsar Saltan".

Concluding the meeting in the literary living room, head of the department Saule Abisheva thanked all the participants for a sincere and interested conversation about Pushkin, "the national hero of the earth", as Zhambyl called him.






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