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Conference "Directions, methodology and methodology of scientific research in Kazakh linguistics"


On October 18, 2024, the department of theory and methodology of teaching the Kazakh language at the faculty of philology of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held a republican scientific-practical conference titled «Directions, methodology, and methods of research in kazakh linguistics», dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, and academician of the Academy of Social Sciences of Kazakhstan, Gabdulla Kaliev.


The conference was attended by prominent scholars from across the country, including academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, and honored figure of Kazakhstan Fauziya Shamsievna Orazbaeva; Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor Baltabay Abdigaziuly; Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor Anar Bekmyrzakyzy Salkynbay; Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor Mereke Satylganovna Atabaeva; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Nursha Alzhanbaevna Orazakhynova; candidate of Philological Sciences and chair of the language Policy Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Yerbol Yerdembekovich Tleshkov (online). University professors, young researchers, students and descendants of G. Kaliev also participated.


As part of the conference (from october 1 to october 10, 2024), the faculty of the department conducted professional development courses for university teachers on a republican level. The courses were offered in two distinct areas: «Teaching the Kazakh language in Kazakh and Foreign-language classrooms» and «Methodology of teaching kazakh grammar and language history». Participants of the courses received 72-hour certificates. There was also a presentation of the scientific works of Professor G. Kaliev. The auditorium No.420 named after the scientist is equipped in a new format.















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