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Kurmanbayeva Zhuldyz Baltabekkyzy
Kurmanbayeva Zhuldyz Baltabekkyzy
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Born on June 7, 1978 in Almaty. In 1995, graduated with honors from gymnasium No. 15 in Almaty. In 1999 graduated from the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay Khan. In 2005-2007 received an academic master`s degree in philological sciences in specialty 6N0205 "Philology: foreign philology" from the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay Khan. In 1996-2009 worked as an education manager at the British Council of the British Embassy. From 2013 to 2016, worked as a teacher in the department of professional foreign language communication at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. In 2015-2018 received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in the specialty "Linguistics" 6D021300 from the Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT Bachelor`s degree: History of language (2.3 year), Foreign language for academic purposes (4 year) Other duties performed during the academic year: 1) Master`s thesis supervision 2) Internship supervision 3) Supervision of Diploma thesis work 4) Communication with school
SCIENTIFIC WORK 2. "Cognitive and lingua-cultural aspects of the concept of the numerals in Kazakhstan", Венесуэлла, ISSN- 1012-1587, SCOPUS OPCION, V.35. Issue 88, 2019 year, pp 177-192 3. "The media text as a powerful instrument of mass media". Венесуэлла, ISSN- 1012-1587, SCOPUS OPCION, V.34-Special Issue 15, 2018 year, pp 889-923 4. «Қазақ тіліндегі тоғыз ұғымының концептілік мәні» Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі - Наука и Жизнь Казахстана. № 4 (60) 2018 Халықаралық ғылыми көпшілік журнал- ISSN 2073-333X. Серия филологическая. - Астана 2018: С-262-266. 5. «Жеті концептісінің құрылымдық жүйесі» Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі - Наука и Жизнь Казахстана. № 4 (61) 2018, Халықаралық ғылыми көпшілік журнал- ISSN 2073-333X. Серия филологическая. - Астана 2018: С-163-169. 6. «Қырық сөзінің лингвоаксиологиялық мәні». БҚМҰ Хабаршысы -Вестник ЗКГУ, № 2 (74) 2019, ғылыми журнал, ISSN 1680-0761 Орал 2019: С-352-362 7. «Шет тілін үйрету үдерісіндегі жазылымға психолингвистикалық тұрғыдан қарау»,"Торайғыров Университеті"-нің Хабаршысы. Филологиялық сериясы, Павлодар, №3, 2021. - 102- 109 б. 8. «Сан атаулары - тіл білімінің маңызды зерттеу нысаны», Хабаршы (Вестник) №3 (65), 2018 Серия «Филологические науки», ISSN 2307-7891, 117-123б 9. «Linguacultural Basis of Numerals in the Kazakh Language», Tiltanym. 2023; 89 (1), ISBN:2411-6076, p. 27-33 10. «Cultural values in the concept of number», Tiltanym. 2023; ISBN:2411-6076, 3 (91) 2023, p.72-77 AWARDS 1. The winner of the "BEST TEACHER - 2022" contest held among scientific and educational institutions in Astana of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the "Bobek" Nationwide Movement of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the winner of the "BEST TEACHER - 2022" medal. 2. Letter of gratitude for contribution to the development of science and education of our university, May 25, 2023 3. Letter of thanks for active participation in educational and social life of our university, March 2023 4. Certificate of Appreciation was awarded on behalf of the US Embassy and ARELTA for actively participating as a trainer in improving the qualifications of English language teachers of Almaty schools and colleges within the framework of the "Scaffolding PUDP" (Pedagogical University Development Project) project on the development of teaching methods and curricula, June 2023. 5. Thank you letter from 159 gymnasium named after Y. Altynsarin of Almaty city for preparation within the framework of the "Scaffolding PUDP" (Pedagogical University Development Project) project of English language teachers of Almaty schools and colleges, June 2023.
SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGICAL WORK 1. The winner of the "BEST TEACHER - 2022" contest held among scientific and educational institutions in Astana of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the "Bobek" Nationwide Movement of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the winner of the "BEST TEACHER - 2022" medal. 2. Letter of gratitude for contribution to the development of science and education of our university, May 25, 2023 3. Letter of gratitude for active participation in educational and social life of our university, March 2023 4. Certificate of Appreciation was awarded on behalf of the US Embassy and ARELTA for actively participating as a trainer in improving the qualifications of English language teachers of Almaty schools and colleges within the framework of the "Scaffolding PUDP" (Pedagogical University Development Project) project on the development of teaching methods and curricula, June 2023. 5. Letter of Appreciaton from 159 gymnasium named after Y. Altynsarin of Almaty city for preparation within the framework of the "Scaffolding PUDP" (Pedagogical University Development Project) project of English language teachers of Almaty schools and colleges, June 2023.
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