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Маnkesh Акsaule Yerzhenbaykyzy



Mankesh Aksaule Yerzhenbaykyzy was born on 11 April 1955 in the town of Guryev. After graduating from the 10th grade in 1974, she entered the Guryev state pedagogical University, and in 1978 completed a full course in History and Sociology at the above-mentioned Institute and qualified as a teacher of History and Sociology. In 1973-1975, she was elected Deputy of the Council of Mangystau region. She started her career in 1978 as a high school as a history teacher in Sarykamys village, Beineu district, Mangistau region. In the same year, she married and moved to Almaty. In 1980, she started working as a methodologist in a kindergarten and in 1982 as a teacher of the Kazakh language at the Russian school No. 70 in Almaty. In 1992, she worked as a methodologist, senior teacher, head of the Department of the Institute for advanced training of teachers in Almaty. In 1999, she defended her PhD thesis on: "Ecological education of children of senior kindergarten groups through familiarization with the environment". In 2000-2002 graduated from the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University (KazNPU) in 2009. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Scientific and pedagogical foundations of continuity of environmental education in the process of continuous education (family-kindergarten-primary school)". In 2002, she worked as an Associate Professor at the Kazakh state women`s pedagogical University. In 2011, at the Institute of master`s and PhD doctoral studies, Professor of KazNPU after Abai, from 2014 to the present, she is a Professor of the Department of Preschool education and Social pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy and Ssychology of KazNPU after Abai. Mankesh A. Y. was a member of the Academic Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses at the Kazakh state women`s pedagogical University (2003-2006). Expert on the quality of textbooks in the publishing house "Almatykitap". Member of the "Scientific seminar" of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Chairman of the Council of doctoral dissertations at the Department of Preschool education and Social Pedagogy.






Guryev state pedagogical University

Teacher of history and sociology




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of pedagogical Sciences



Doctor of pedagogical Sciences









Professorof university named Abai

№ 19 ж/к   от 03.01. 2013 г.



Methodology and methods of research work

Continuity of preschool and primary education

Management of preschool education

Introduction to the environment




Mankesh Y.E. Mizimbayeva A. Master Students Research Culture Development in Pedagogical Education. Journal of pedagogy of the Lithuanian University of education, Vol. 118,2015, (ISSN 1393 0340)

Mankesh A. Y. Bekkozhanova G. Theoretical bases of the formation of ma students special competences. //Science and world. International scientific journal. - № 3 (19), 2015.p.56-60.

Mankesh A. Y. The importance of continuity in preschool and primary education in Mankesh. News of Science and Education Ltd, Sheffield, UK # 1 (49) 2017 ISSN2312-2773 (19-25p).

Mankesh A. Y. Readiness for innovative activity of the teacher as a factor of his self-development. Professional development of a TEACHER: Mater. 2 International scientific and practical conference. Irkutsk, April 25-30, 2017 53-57p.

Mankesh A. Y. Development of research culture of a master`s student of pedagogical education. L. N. GUMILYOV UNIVERSITY. BULLETIN No. 5 (108) • 2015 156-162p.


SCIENTIFIC and METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES-research topics, number of publications 

Mankesh. A. E. Environmental education of primary school students. Methodology for majors in elementary education. Instruction manual.- Almaty: publishing house "Zerde", 2014.

Educational and methodological guide "Fundamentals of pedagogical anthropology" - Almaty: publishing house "Zerde", 2014-120 p.

Theory and methodology of environmental education in the village of Mankesh. Textbook-Almaty: KazNPU after Abai, "Ulagat", 2017. -148 p.

Mankesh A. Y. Natural Science recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Guidelines-Almaty. Almatykitap Publishing House, 2017. The electronic textbook. 248p.

Development of creative abilities of preschool children in the village. Training manual-Almaty:Almanac 2018. - 116p.

Continuity of preschool and primary education. Training manual-Almaty:Almanac.2018-158b



Badge "excellent student of Education" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1994 No. 13474. Badge "Best teacher" of the Kazakh national pedagogical University after Abai. 07.04.2015, No. 236.



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