Full name
Bashenova Marzhan Akylzhanovna
Year, month and day of birth
May 12, 1993 year
2011-2015 . KazNPU named after Abay «5В 011300-Biology», 2015- 2017. KazNPU named after Abay «6М011300- Biology»
Academic degree and title
Master of pedagogical sciences on specialty «6М011300-Biology»
Place of work and position after graduation
Since 2017 the teacher at KazNPU named after Abay.
Scientific interests
Preparation of students by specialty
1.SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF INSECTS IN THE INSECTARIUM OF THE ALMAY ZOO. Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире (сборник научных трудов).№ 3 (35) часть 7 Переяслав -Хмельницкий 2018. р 6-11
2.Factors that contribute to the massive spread of the mite varroa destructor in the territory of Kazakhstan Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире (журнал) № 4(36) часть 5. ПереяславХмельницкий 2018. р 9-12
3.Систематический обзор насекомых инсектария Алматинского зоопарка. Қазақстан жоғары мектебі стр183-187. 2018г
4.К содержанию учебника «Биология» (7 класс) Орта мектеп жаршысы /Вестик средней школы Республиканский учебно-методический журнал №1, 2018. стр 9-11
Participation in research projects
Since when she working at the Department
Since 2017, the teacher of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology and Life Safety of KazNPU named after Abay
Public work
Adviser of 4 course specialty 5В01300-Biology.
Contact information
8 707 402 02 60; bashenova01@mail.ru;