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   Главная / Irgebayeva Akerke Bayanovna

Irgebayeva Akerke Bayanovna



Graduated with honors from the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (1991), Kazakh State University of Law (1999), defended her thesis at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (2001). Has been working at KazNPU named after Abai since 2021. Author of over 30 scientific papers.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov

Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature


Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi



Kazakh State University of Law





Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of Philological Sciences


Russian language




Undergraduate studies: «Russian language. В2», «Workshop on the Russian language and culture of speech», «Workshop on spelling and punctuation», «Practical course of the Russian language», «Difficult cases of spelling and punctuation», «Linguistic analysis of the text», «Comparative grammar of the Kazakh and Russian languages».


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications . Works on problems related to the field of cognitive linguistics, phraseology, comparative linguistics. Has more than 30 scientific publications, including a textbook: 1. Test workshop. - Almaty: Darkhan, 2020. -55 p.; journal article with impact factor: 2. Verbalization of the Concept Family in the Content of School Textbooks on Russian Language and Literature Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO),11(5).- 2021.- Р.4449-4456; 3. Discursive associates (based on the works of Leo Tolstoy) // Bulletin of KazNU. Philological series. No. 4 (176). - P.106-114; 4.            Cognitive models of the concept "cult" in the linguistic picture of the world // Polish Science Journal. Warsaw. Poland. Issue 6. -2018. - P.55-60; 5. Types and Principles of Dialogization of the Artistic Context in Gogol`s Romantic Prose// Magyar Tudományos Journal (Budapest, Hungary). -№39.- 2020.- P.37-40 et al.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications . Articles and reports have been published, including: 1. Professional orientation of the course "Russian language" in an Islamic university // Professionalism of the teacher: essence, content, development prospects. International materials. scientific and practical conference. - M .: MGOU MANPO, 2019. - P.584-590; 2. Educational aspect in language teaching // International scientific-practical conference "The role of youth in the development of society." - А .: EUIC "Nur-Mubarak", 2019; 3. Application of information and computer technologies in the process of teaching Russian in the national audience // Higher School of Kazakhstan. International scientific and pedagogical publication. -№1 (1) .- 2020.- P.119-123; 4. The use of gaming technologies in the lessons of the Russian language // Scientific and pedagogical journal "Poisk". Humanities Series. -2021.- No. 2.- P.36-40; 5. On the issue of teaching professionally oriented Russian language in a non-linguistic university // Materials of the XVII International scientific and practical Conference Science and сivilization - 2021, 30 January -07 February, 2021: Sheffield. Science and education LTD. - P.63- 67.


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