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Tursynbayeva Kapiza Zhamangarievna



Born in 1962 in Ulytau, Karaganda region. Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, by specialty Teacher of English and French lang. in 1984. University of Foreign Languages and Business Career, Master of Ped. Sciences 2013.

1984 -2003 secondary schools in Zhezkazgan c., Almaty c.;

2003-2021 Almaty Architecture and Construction Academy, Kazakh National Women`s Teacher Training University;

01.09.2021 - Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University; Senior Lecturer

1998-2020 member of the Republican Expert and Appeal Commissions. National Testing Center ministry of Education and science of the RK.




Graduation year 

Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages

Teacher of English and French


University of Foreign Languages and Business Career

Master of ped. sciences





Bachelor`s degree: Foreign language 1 course, 3 course;



Author of more than 90  articles and textbooks on the methodology of teaching  foreign languages, including:

Textbooks "English language for the 10th and 11th grades of secondary schools", approved by the Ministry of education and science of the RK (2001-2015);

The program of foreign languages for grades 10-11 approved by the Ministry of education and science of the RK (2001);

Rus-kaz-eng. Polytechnic Dictionary, Committee on Languages of the Ministry of Culture of the RK 1-2 volumes. (2010):

Textbook for students of 1-2 k., KazNWTTU(2011, 2014).



"Honorary Worker of Education of the RK" (2002);

"For achievements in the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan and a great contribution to its prosperity" Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK (2001);

"For contribution to the development of the education system of the RK in honor of the 20th anniversary of the country`s independence" Diploma of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK (2011);

"Badge of Honor" Jubilee medal for the 70th anniversary of KazNWTTU (2014).


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