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   Главная / Amitova Zhanel Tanirbergenovna

Amitova Zhanel Tanirbergenovna



10.12.1998 year of birth, Kazakh, higher education.

In 2005-2016 graduated from school No. 163.

2016-2020 He is a graduate of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University.

Master`s degree-2021-2023. Abai Kazakh National University 

Work experience:

2020-2021 worked in the Kyzylorda Medical College as a "laboratory assistant".

In 2023, teacher at Abai KazNPU, at the Department of" Physical Culture and sports".



Educational institution


Time of issue of the diploma

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

5В011300 - Biology


Abai Kazakh National University

7М01513 - Master of biological, Pedagogical Sciences




Physiology of young adults

Functional anatomy of human and physical exercise

Adaptive physical culture

Biomechanics of Physical Culture and sports



1. Types of scientific research methods and its features in education// "international scientific journal academician" 2022 - Karaganda No. 2 (163) 2022g.

2. Formation of cognitive methods of students through the effective application of scientific research methods in biology lessons // "models and methods of improving the effectiveness of innovative research" Kazconference. Stamp 34.01.45

3. Features of adaptive physical culture of children with disabilities // international scientific and practical Journal "Bobek" October 20-25, 2023, on pages 16-


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