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Nurzhanova Venera Anuarovna



Nurzhanova Venera Anuarovna was born on July 12, 1988 in Aktobe region. 

In 2006, she graduated from Secondary School No. 36 in Aktobe.

In 2005-2006, she studied at Southlake Senior High School, Texas, USA, on an educational grant from the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) program.

In 2010, she graduated with honors from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Philological Faculty, with a degree in Translation Studies, Bachelor of Humanities.

2020-2022 Master`s degree at Abai KazNPU, Department of PMNE, specializing in Training of teachers without subject specialization, Master of Pedagogical Sciences. Dissertation on the topic: "Teaching English through the creation of an artificial language environment in primary school."

Since 2006, she worked as a translator at various events, a significant one being the translator of the IV Eurasian Film Festival.

From 2008 to 2010 - Chief Specialist of the Organizational Department of the State Fund for Youth Policy Development of Almaty.

2015 - English teacher at Pidzhim secondary school, Panfilov district, Almaty region.

2022-2024 - English language trainer at the Aiplus Republican Educational Center.

Since 09.02.2024 - teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education at Abai KazNPU.



Educational institution


Graduation date

KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology, specializing in Translation Studies

Translator, Bachelor of Humanities


KazNPU named after Abay, Department of PMNE, specialty: Training of teachers without subject specialization

Primary school teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences




Undergraduate studies:

1.    Children`s literature with workshop on expressive reading. (in English)

2.    Psychology of primary school students.

3.    Psychology, interaction and communication in primary education.

4.    Pedagogical research in primary education

Master students:

1.    Methods of innovative research and commercialization.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

Research topic: "English language training through the creation of artificial language environment in primary grades".


1. Teaching English language in primary school by creating artificial language environment. «SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES OF THE XXI CENTURY» Materials of the X International scientific and practical conference (PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES)/ comp.: Е. Еshim - Nur-Sultan, 2022 - 74 p. ISBN 978-601-332-271-1.

2. Saduakas G.Т. Teaching English language in primary school by creating artificial language environment. Collection of materials of the international scientific-methodological conference "Actual problems of modern scientific research and the legacy of A. Baitursynuly".- Almaty: Centr operativnoy pechati, 2022 - 285-295 pp.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

Research topic:Primary education pedagogy and methodology

Study guide -1

1. Primary school pedagogy: учебно-методическое пособие / Omarova G.Zh., Umirbekova А.N., Nurzhanova V.А.- Almaty:Poligraphia - servis and Ко, 2020. - 192 p. 



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