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Refresher course for primary school teachers in the teaching of mathematics

Center for Advanced Training and Distance Education of Abai KazNPU from June 1 to 11, 2021, held a refresher course for primary school teachers on the topic «Features of the content and methods of organizing mathematics teaching in primary classes». The classes, which lasted 80 hours, were organised in both Kazakh and Russian. Participants of the course were engaged online for 2 astronomical hours a day (120 minutes), the rest of the course was carried out in the course of independent practical work with moderation. Interactive interaction of the participants was organized during the classes. This is the second stream, which was signed up by 2 times more teachers than in the first stream.

The course was developed and conducted by the authors of mathematics textbooks for primary school Akpayeva Assel, Lebedeva Larisa -candidates of pedagogical Sciences, associate professors of the Department of Professional Training of the EP «Primary Education», Mynzhasarova Marzhan -candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher of the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling of Abai KazNPU.

The course program aimed to address difficult topics in teaching mathematics to primary school students, as well as to develop online teaching skills using various digital resources.

At the end of the training, the teachers received a certificate of the established sample. Presenting their final portfolios, teachers noted that the courses helped them to expand their knowledge, improve their skills to use digital resources. The form of lecturing in dialogue with interactive techniques was also interesting.







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