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A reader`s theater was organized on the basis of J.K Rowling`s book «Harry Potter»

On November 25, 2021 at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU, doctoral student of the specialty «8D013-Preparation of teachers without subject specialization» G.S. Makharova organized with the 2nd year students (specialty «Primary Education in English») a reading theater on the theme of «Harry Potter» The book «Harry Potter» by the English writer JK Rowling is one of the five most widely read children`s books in the world. In this context, students reproduced parts of the text using intonation, interpretation, group, pair and individual work. The purpose of the reader`s theater is not only to educate students, but also to encourage them to develop pedagogical skills creatively. Orientation of students as future teachers to understand the children`s inner world and the development of students` skills of reading, speaking, listening in a foreign language.







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