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The game of Zhaydarman "Bolashaktyn ustazy" was organized

October 3, 2024 at the Department of Primary education of KazNPU named after Abai was organized a game of Zhaydarman on the theme "Bolashaktyn ustazy". Three teams of students of the educational program "B003 - Primary Education" took part in the competition dedicated to the holiday of teachers: "Bastau", "Positive" and "Smeh po raspisaniu".


Zhaidarman game consisted of four stages: presentation (emblem), homework - parody, pedagogical skill (solution of pedagogical situation), guess the melody, continue it. All groups took an active part in the game and showed their skills. Each stage was held in its own way interesting and at a high level.


According to the results of the game the group "Bastau" took the 1st place and the group "Smeh po raspisaniu" took the 2nd place. They were awarded with letters of thanks. The main prize was won by the group "Positive". The jury awarded the winning teams and gave them prizes.


This event was organized by senior teacher Bekbaeva M. T.






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