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A new assessment format has been developed for mutual visits of teachers

The Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Department of Primary Education, in order to improve the quality of the educational process and exchange pedagogical experience at the meeting of the department discussed a list of feedback on the results of attending classes, the organizer of internal control of the department and the teaching staff developed a new format taking into account innovative and modern trends.


Purpose: popularization of modern pedagogical methods, improvement of the quality of education, support for young professionals, creation of conditions for professional interaction.


The analysis of the lesson in the new format includes the following aspects:

- Assessment of the lesson structure, teaching methods and student activity.

- Identification of innovative approaches: the use of technologies, methods of active learning, interdisciplinary and feedback.

- SWOT analysis: identification of strengths and weaknesses, assessment of opportunities and threats.

- Evaluation of the results according to the main criteria on a 10-point scale.


Since the beginning of the academic year, teachers of the department have been participating in classes of colleagues whose experience is interesting using the new format, expanding the field to create an effective environment for professional growth and improving the quality of education of students, and also report on them at each meeting of the department.






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