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Practical Seminar: "Integration of Electronic Resources and AI in the Educational Process: Innovations and Effective Approaches"

On November 28, 2024, at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU, a practical seminar was held on the topic "Integration of Electronic Resources and AI in the Educational Process: Innovations and Effective Approaches." The seminar was conducted by Zhanqushkov Bauyrzhan, a third-year doctoral student in the educational program 8D01301 "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education."


The seminar participants included third-year students from the educational program 6B01303 "Primary Education with ICT," as well as master`s and doctoral students, and faculty members of the "Primary Education" department.


The seminar was conducted in a format combining theoretical material and practical tasks. Participants had the opportunity not only to learn about modern approaches in the integration of AI and electronic resources but also to apply their knowledge in practice.


Key stages of the seminar included: A survey of students using the Mentimeter platform, which allowed for a quick assessment of participants` knowledge levels and expectations; Dividing participants into 4 groups for task completion using the tool; SWOT analysis on the use of electronic resources in the educational process; Viewing and discussing video materials on artificial intelligence; Completion of practical tasks, where students in groups created videos and presentations using AI tools.


At the final part of the seminar, a reflection was conducted through Google Forms, allowing the participants to evaluate the results of the work and provide feedback.


The seminar became an important educational initiative that contributed to enhancing the digital literacy of future educators. Participants noted the practical value of the materials and tasks presented, as well as their relevance in the context of the current digital transformation of education.


At the end of the seminar, students and guests expressed their sincere gratitude to Zhankushkov Bauyrzhan for organizing and conducting the insightful and useful event and holding a rich event, noted the benefits for their professional activities.






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