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Event dedicated to Independence Day


On December 13, 2024, an event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Department of Primary Education of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.


The main purpose of the event is to educate students in love, pride and respect for the Motherland, the formation of patriotism and awareness of responsibility to the Motherland.

During the event, students of the 2nd year of the Primary Education with Business Innovations educational program presented prepared presentations, shared important historical and cognitive facts. Interesting questions were asked for an exchange of views among the participants, which caused a lively discussion. Every moment of the event was filled with inspiration, and the activity and creative approach of the students aroused special appreciation from the guests. And the event ended with a group creative work of students: a craft made of natural materials dedicated to a special date. We hope that this event allowed students to realize the importance of popularizing national values.

Organizers: teachers of the Department of Primary Education Bekbaeva Mariam and Sambet Dinara.






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