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On the results of teaching practice

On February 23, final conferences were held on the results of teaching practice «Trial lessons in elementary school» for 3-year full-time students.

The conference was attended by students, methodologists, practice leaders. At the conference, each student presented a report and the necessary documentation: diary, pedagogical folder, report, presentation, photo and video materials.

Leader of practice Larissa Lebedevа. She noted that teachers of gymnasium No. 56 played a significant role in organizing and conducting the practice, they actively interacted with students and methodologists, participated in carrying out activities.

Methodists gave an assessment of the work of each trainee.Methodists noted the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading of Heyroevoy Rufina, knowledge of the world, mathematics of Helimahunova Sabina, these students used various methods and forms of education.According to the results of the conference, 85% of students received marks «excellent», 15% - «good».

The head of the practice Nazgul Sartayeva noted that the practice at the gymnasium named after I. Altynsarin was very useful for students by the fact that everything necessary for conducting a lesson was created at the school. The aforementioned gymnasium made an offer to the students of Tursyunkozha Elzira, Zhumasheva Aruzhan, and Uderbaeva Gulnur so that they could do work practice here next year.According to the results of the conference, 65% of students received marks «excellent», 27% - «good», 8% - «satisfactory».







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