қазақша · русский · english

Museums reveal secrets




On April 23, 2020, a senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan of Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU, E.Zh. Azeretbergenova organized an online interview on the topic «Museums reveal secrets» with the deputy director for scientific work of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Azret-Sultan», candidate of historical sciences M. M. Tastanbekov.

During the conversation, topics were discussed about the state historical and cultural reserve-museum «Azret-Sultan» and its connection with the development of the city of Turkestan, which has a long and rich history.

Listeners received new information about the mausoleum, full of historical events and about 100 monuments of the museum-reserve.

At the end of the broadcast, Murat Meirbekovich invited students to visit this ancient city.





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