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Religious worldview of the Kazakh people

On October 27, 2020, the Department of religious Affairs of Almaty and the Department of political science and socio-philosophical disciplines of the Abai KazNPU Institute of History and Law held an online meeting with students on the topic "Religious worldview the Kazakh people".

At the educational event, senior researcher of the Department of Religious studies, Institute of Рhilosophy, рolitical science and religious studies, PhD Shagyrbay Almasbek analyzed the religious situation of modern Kazakh society, spoke in detail about the significance of forming a religious understanding of the individual, the threat of destructive movements and ways to combat them. He shared with students examples from domestic and international practice in this direction. A. Shagyrbay also noted that the Kazakh worldview has a great influence on determining the positions and values of young people, on the spiritual development of the individual.



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