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Our interns

Working at school makes it possible to realize oneself as a leader and form communication skills, to note the characteristic features and difficulties of the chosen profession. The teaching profession is one of the most interesting, responsible and difficult. In order to teach another person something, the teacher himself needs to be extremely knowledgeable, and most importantly, want to learn on his own... If the mirror of the human soul is the eyes, then the mirror of human society is the teacher. Thanks to school practice, students can identify for themselves the specifics and skills of working at school. From pedagogical practice largely depends on what this teacher will be by the time he graduates from the university.


At its core, pedagogical practice is a complex symbiosis of psychology, sociology, pedagogy and many other sciences responsible for human development.During their teaching practice, 3rd-4th year interns under the guidance of the Department of World History took an active part in the social life of their schools. The director of school No. 143 named after Suyunbai expressed gratitude for theoretical knowledge and practical skills during teaching practice to trainees Basereva Laura and Kabylbayeva Aigerim, as well as to all student trainees in organizing and holding a historical decade at school No. 143.The first results are quite positive, but there are still more than 3 months of teaching practice ahead, so I would like to wish all students to continue to carry out the practice program with the same quality and perseverance!





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