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Kuanali Maira Aytkozhaevna
Kuanali Maira Aytkozhaevna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Kuanali Maira Aitkozhakyzy graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 1999 with a degree in Psychology, in 2001 she entered Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in General Psychology in the field of training 520950 - "Psychology", which she graduated in 2003 with an academic degree "the best master of Psychology". Also, on December 29, 2023, she entered the PhD doctoral program in Psychology at Turan University. In 2003, he was hired as a lecturer at the Department of General and Applied Psychology of KazNPU named after Abai. Since 2007, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. General scientific and pedagogical experience: 21 years old. Additional information: speaks Kazakh, Russian languages well and has an A1 level of English. Research interests: General psychology, conflict psychology, fundamentals of psychodiagnostics, practical psychology, child psychology, mathematical statistics in psychology, the basics of psychological counseling. Kuanali M. A. constantly improves his scientific and theoretical level and improves his pedagogical skills. I have repeatedly attended advanced training courses. At the moment, Kuanali Maira Aitkozhakyzy has published more than 40 scientific and methodological works, of which 1 is a monograph, 1 is an article with an impact factor (2006), 2 is a textbook.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Bachelor`s degree: Psychology (module), Psychology in education.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). Research topic: 1. Abisheva E. D., Kuanali. Professionally significant and personal qualities of future psychologists. // Psychology series No. 1 (54),2018. - pp. 190-193 KazNPU named after Abai. https://www.kaznpu.kz/docs/vestnik/seria_psychology_/1_2018.pdf 5. Zhunisova Zh.K., Kuanali M.A., Tukebaeva S.A. Psychological features of a teacher`s professional activity in the context of digitalization of higher education. Khabarshi is a Messenger. The "psychology" of the series. Almaty: KazNPU named after Abaі.- Volume 75 No. 2 (2023). - pp. 134-143. ISSN 1728-7847
AWARDS 1. Letter of thanks on behalf of the rector of KazNPU named afterAbaya badge" "The best head of educational work" and diploma" (2013). 2. Letter of thanks from the vice-rector for Scientific work of KazNPU named after Abai (2014, 2015). on behalf of the Director of the Department of Science and the Director of the PiPI KazNPU named after Abai for the leadership (2017) of the scientific works of students
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