About us | ![]() Akazhanova Alma Taurbekovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of KazNPU named after Abay, "Excellence in Public Education of the Kazakh SSR", winner of the prize named after. Zh. Aymauytova, a member of the "Kazakh psychology" society, took pride of place in the book "Life in Science", Personal Person / Encyclopedia "Innovative teachers of the 20th-21st centuries", member of the Dissident Council of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi and others Alma Taurbekovna: born in 1948 in the city of Charsk, Zharminsky district; has two higher educations: in 1999 Humanitarian University named after D.A. Kunaeva - Faculty of Law, specialty lawyer (diploma with honors, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty); in 1989 she defended her candidate`s dissertation "The formation and development of developmental and pedagogical psychology in Kazakhstan" (Moscow Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin, with a specialty in "Developmental and educational psychology - 19.00.07); in 2009 - doctoral dissertation "Psychological and pedagogical correction of deviant behavior of minors" (Almaty, Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specialty "Pedagogical psychology - 19.00.07). Labor activity of Akazhanova A.T.: Almaty Business College (formerly Almaty College of Soviet Trade), head. department, teacher of courses "Psychology of business relations, "Psychology of business" (1979 - 2000); Associate Professor, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kainar University (Almaty, 2000 - 2002); Associate Professor, acting Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Practical Psychology of the Kazakh State Pedagogical University (2002 - 2013); Associate Professor at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after. Abay, Institute of Master`s and PhD Doctoral Studies (2013 - 2014); Associate Professor, Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (2014 - present). Since 2006, she has headed the research group for the project "Psychological support for minors in prisons" (LA-155/6, LA-155/4). Within the framework of applied research (according to the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Department of Penal Corrections for the city of Almaty and the Almaty region) under the scientific supervision of Akazhanova A.T. Research work is carried out in penitentiary institutions. The result of these studies is the defense of 2 doctoral, 1 candidate, 20 master`s and more than 50 theses. Alma Taurbekovna is the author of more than 250 scientific works.
DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Bachelor`s degree: History of psychology, deviantology, legal psychology, etc. Master`s degree: Modern directions in psychological science of Kazakhstan, etc.Bachelor`s degree: general psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, etc. Master`s degree: methods of diagnosis of communicative abilities.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant ones). Topic of research: diagnostics and development of critical thinking of schoolchildren; psychological service. 1. "Psychology of deviant behavior of minors: theory and practice. Monograph. - Almaty. - 2011. - 304 p. 2. Impact FactorISSN 1877-0428 - 2nd Global Conference on Psychology Researches (GCPR), Barcelona, Spain. Psychology, social sciences. 2016- R.529-532. 3. Zan psychology. Oku kuraly. - Almaty, 2016. - 336 p. 4. Psychological research of perception features of parental position and self-relation in different cultures/ Impact FactorISSN 1877-0428 - 2nd Global Conference on Psychology Researches (GCPR), Barcelona, Spain. Psychology, social sciences. 2016- R.529-532. 5. Correctional models for resocialization and readaptation of the behavior of minors in penitentiary institutions / Bulletin of KazNPU named after. Abay/Series "Psychology" No. 4 (61), 2019. - P. 17-25.
AWARDS 1. Awarded the anniversary medal "Abai atyndagy Kazak ulttyk university 90 years" - for contribution to the development of the university, 2018; 2. Awarded a medal and diploma of the 1st degree "Best Teacher of the CIS - 2022". 3. "Zhan Aleminin Zhanashyry" (table award) - "Kazakhstan Gylymynyn Damuyna Koskan eren enbegi ushin" - 25 zheltoksan, Alemdik psychologist kuni. - Almaty, 2023.
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