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   Главная / Ismailova Dariga Bazylkhankyzy

Ismailova Dariga Bazylkhankyzy



Dariga Ismailova Bazylkhankyzy was born on April 15, 1997 in the village of B. Momyshuly, Zhualy district, Zhambyl region.

In 2015, she entered the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan. She entered the Pedagogical Faculty of Foreign Languages, from which she graduated with honors in 2019. In 2019, she entered the master`s degree of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai in the specialty "Foreign language:two foreign languages".

She has 3 years of teaching experience: since 2021 she has been a teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages at Abai kazakh national pedagogical university, Almaty.



Educational institution


Expiration date

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, «Foreign language: two foreign languages (English and Chinese)»

Bachelor of education



Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical university,  «Foreign language: two foreign languages (English and Chinese)»


Master of Science in Education





Name of academic degree

Branch of science

Diploma issue date

Master of Science in Education

Pedagogical Sciences




Bachelor`s degree: seminars on the disciplines "Foreign language" (1 course), " Reading for the development of critical thinking " (2 course), "Media language" (3 course), " Advanced foreign language" (3 course), "Methodology of foreign language education" (3rd year), "Workshop on intercultural communication" (4th year), "Countrystudies" (4th year),

Master`s degree: seminars on the disciplines "Methodological foundations of the master`s thesis", "Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity", "Cognitive linguistics in language teaching"



1) Кемелбекова З.А.,Сейдалиева Г.О., Исмаилова Д.Б «Шеттілдік білім беруде интербелсенді «дебат» технологиясын қолдану ерекшеліктері» Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы, ISSN 2710-3528, Филологиялық сериясы №1, Павлодар қаласы, 2022ж, -58-68 беттер

DOI: 10.48081/EXUG3575

2) Кумарова К.А., Исмаилова Д.Б., Сейдалиева Г.О «Шеттілдік білім беруде коммуникативтік құзіреттің компоненттері» Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы, ISSN 2710-3528, Филологиялық сериясы №3, Павлодар қаласы, 2022ж, -124-137беттер

DOI: 10.48081/CEQT4278

3) Кемелбекова З.А., Исмаилова Д.Б «Интерактивті дебат технологиясы негізінде студенттердің мәдениетаралық коммуникативтік құзіретін қалыптастырудың моделі» Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Көптілді білім беру және шетел тілдері филологиясы» сериясы №2(34), 2021ж, -194-201 беттер. ISSN 2307-7891

4) Исмаилова Д.Б «Шеттілдік білім беруде интербелсенді «дебат» технологиясын қолдану тиімділігі» V Международное книжное издание стран Содружество Независимых Государств/ «ЛУЧШИЙ МОЛОДОЙ УЧЕНЫЙ-2022: V международная книжная коллекция научных работ молодых ученых - Нур-Султан, 2022г, С. 28-31. ISSN 978-601-332-991-8

5) Исмаилова Д.Б., Муслимова А.Б «Принципы использования языковой компетентности в обучении иностранному языку» LXXVII Международная научная конференция "Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире", - Переяслав, 26-27 сентября, 2021г. - С.92-98. ISSN 2524-0986



1. Certificate, Future English Online Teacher Community, "Online Teacher Community. Facilitator Training course " offered by British Council within the Future English programme on 14-18 August 2023

2. Certificate, Future English Online Teacher Community, "Online Teacher Community. Facilitator Training course " offered by British Council within the Future English programme in November-December 2022, №BC-OTC-000044

3. Certificate, "Teacher Education of the 21st Century: New Challenges and Solutions"., Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank., SKLAD Online Educational Platform, November 10 -December 1st, 2021., 72 hours, №01571

4. Certificate, "Modern trends in the development of science and the world community in the era of digitalization", BMDI,  22/02/2023-03/03/2023, 72 hours, №0176

5.Сертификат, "Цифровая трансформация в образовании:интерактивный контент и платформы обучения", КазНУ им.Аль-Фараби, Алматы, 2021, 72 часов, №0018

Educational-methodical complex:

6. Аяпова Т.Т., Кемелбекова З.А., Букабаева Б.Е., Есенаман С.Е., Дегтярева К.С., Исмаилова Д.Б.,Серікбай М.М «Пән мен тілді кіріктіріп оқытудың теориясы мен практикасы» КазНПУ имени Абая , 27.01.2023г. Алматы, 122 с.



1. A letter of thanks, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, "for your active participation in educational work in the 2021-2022 academic year and your contribution to the formation of student youth as citizens", 2022

2. A letter of thanks, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University,  "for hard work and active participation in the social life of talented students of the Institute of Philology", 2023

3. For her contribution to the development of science and education she was awarded the badge "The Best Young Scientist-2022" and the diploma of the first degree of the Commonwealth of Independent States.



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